

Base64 Encoder/Decoder, Code formatters, JSON formatters, Converters ....

Available Tools

Base64 Encoder
Base64 Decoder
JSON Formatter
HTML Formatter
HTML Viewer
XML Formatter
CSS Formatter
SQL Formatter
Text to Binary Converter
Binary to Text Converter
Text to ASCII Converter
ASCII to Text Converter
Random UUID Generator
URL Encoder
URL Decoder
String To Byte Converter
Byte to String Converter
Base32 Encoder
Base32 Decoder
Base16 Encoder
Base16 Decoder
Base58 Encoder
Base58 Decoder
Base32 Hex Encoder
Base32 Hex Decoder
XML to JSON Converter
JSON to XML Converter
Lorem Ipsum Generator
Decimal to Hex Converter
Hex to Decimal Converter
PNG to JPEG Converter
PNG to GIF Converter
PNG to RAW Converter
PNG to TIFF Converter
JPEG to PNG Converter
JPEG to GIF Converter
TIFF to PNG Converter
TIFF to JPEG Converter
TIFF to GIF Converter
HEIF to PNG Converter
HEIF to JPEG Converter
SVG Viewer
JSON Beautifier
JSON Stringify
JSON Unstringify
JSON to YAML Converter
YAML to JSON Converter
JSON to Base64 Converter
Base64 to JSON Converter
Empty Line Remover
Word Counter
SHA1 Hash Generator
SHA224 Hash Generator
SHA256 Hash Generator
SHA384 Hash Generator
SHA512 Hash Generator
MD5 Hash Generator
SHA3-512 Hash Generator
SHA3-384 Hash Generator
SHA3-256 Hash Generator
SHA3-224 Hash Generator
Keccak-512 Hash Generator
Keccak-384 Hash Generator
Keccak-256 Hash Generator
Keccak-224 Hash Generator
Shake-128 Hash Generator
Shake-256 Hash Generator
CRC-16 Hash Generator
CRC-32 Hash Generator
MD2 Hash Generator
Text to Upper Case
Text to Lower Case
HTML Escape
HTML Unescape
Text to Snake Case
Text to Camel Case
Text to Kebab Case
Text to Title Case
Text to Capitalized Case
Text Case Inverter
Remove Multiple Spaces
Remove Digits from Text
Remove All Except Numbers
Morse Code Generator
Markdown to HTML Converter
JSON Escape
JSON Unescape
CSV Escape
CSV Unescape

What is Toolify?

Welcome to Toolify, the ultimate online destination for developers and designers seeking efficient and reliable coding tools. Simplify your workflow and enhance productivity with our comprehensive suite of encoders, decoders, converters, and formatters. With user-friendly interfaces and intuitive design, our tools empower both seasoned professionals and novices to effortlessly navigate and accomplish tasks with confidence.

From handling HTML and JSON to a wide range of other formats, our encoders and decoders ensure seamless data integration across systems. Convert files effortlessly with our powerful converters, supporting various file types, saving you valuable time and effort. Improve code readability and maintainability with our dedicated formatters, offering consistent structure and collaboration.

At Toolify, we care about your experience with tools. You can customize your experience with tools as per your need, using Settings page. Configured settings will take effect across all tools.

We prioritize the privacy and security of our users. We understand the importance of data confidentiality, which is why we take stringent measures to ensure your information remains safe. We are committed to a strict no-data-storage policy, meaning that we do not retain any user data. Your files and personal information are treated with the utmost respect, and we prioritize your privacy at all times. With Toolify, you can confidently use our tools, knowing that your data is handled securely and transparently.

Join thousands of satisfied users and unlock the power of Toolify today. Elevate your coding journey and unleash the potential of your projects with Toolify.

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